Tips for Presenting to Executives

Presenting to executives can be thought of as your moment to shine or as a dreaded, nerve-racking task depending on how you look at it. How successful you are depends on a variety of factors. Of course, one key to success is using professionally designed slides that look appropriate for executive PowerPoint presentations. But, there…

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Lessons From the Top: How Managers Can Effectively Use Presentations

For many managers, PowerPoint presentations are all in a day’s work. Yet, not all organizational leaders are created equal when it comes to effectively delivering a message via a presentation. While a small number are naturally talented like the late Steve Jobs –  who consistently captivated large audiences through words and images – many are…

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A Professional PowerPoint Presentation Begins with a Good Template

A really useful template goes beyond defining a background master, and it makes creating consistent slides easy. If your template has good examples of actual content pages, it will help you to be consistent in how you use fonts, colors, and styles. A Professional PowerPoint Presentation Begins with a Good Template A template is an…

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The Three Essential Components of PowerPoint Design

There are three vital components to effective PowerPoint design: Structure, Economy and Emphasis. Learn how they work together to produce powerful, effective slides resulting in more successful meeting communications with eSlide Design Training. 1. Structure Every slide that leaves our studio leaves with good structure, and the most important aspect of structure is consistency. When slides…

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Take the Textless PowerPoint Challenge

Have you tried a “textless” PowerPoint slide yet – a slide with no words or text? It could contain a photograph, an illustration, or graph but in order to have an impact it should be more than just a pretty picture. A good textless slide must communicate a strong message that is memorable and helps…

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5 Tips for a Better PowerPoint Presentation

Winning over an audience is one of the keys to delivering a good PowerPoint presentation. Unfortunately, it’s also possible to accomplish the opposite. Here are some tips that everyone using PowerPoint should know to keep an audience at a conference room table engaged. 1. Consider the timing of the presentation when putting together your slides…

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Avoid Death by PowerPoint

Bad PowerPoint can kill good ideas by causing a disconnect with your audience. Learn simple ways to transform bad PowerPoint into good with eSlide Design Training. Don’t Fail because of Death by PowerPoint. Death by PowerPoint is a common complaint about meetings, but PowerPoint is not the problem; the problem is bad PowerPoint. At eSlide,…

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What Jerry Seinfeld Can Teach About PowerPoint Presentations

This holiday season one of my gifts to self was some time to catch up on my “non-PowerPoint” reading. One of the most entertaining bits was a (fairly) recent article in the New York Times featuring comic genius Jerry Seinfeld. The article was supposed to be a funny last-minute gift idea guide, but it contains…

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Using Writers’ Tricks to Create Better PowerPoint Presentations

We’ve all heard the phrase “content is king.” This old adage is especially true when it comes to developing an impactful and memorable PowerPoint presentation. Your content and how it is organized is the foundation and will determine the success of your presentation. Surprising as it may be, actual content often gets short shrift, even…

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How to Avoid Font Fiascos

Choosing fonts for your presentation can be fun – and is an important design choice – but needs to be done deliberately with the requirements of the viewer in mind. Designers who choose poorly will find themselves faced with one of the most common slideshow problems: a font fiasco. Font fiascos happen when designers choose…

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