Avoid Death by PowerPoint

Bad PowerPoint can kill good ideas by causing a disconnect with your audience. Learn simple ways to transform bad PowerPoint into good with eSlide Design Training.

Don’t Fail because of Death by PowerPoint.
Death by PowerPoint is a common complaint about meetings, but PowerPoint is not the problem; the problem is bad PowerPoint. At eSlide, we’re passionate believers that good use of PowerPoint can bring life to your ideas. To help everyone experience the difference good PowerPoint can make, we are pleased to introduce the eSlide SEE Presentation Design Training.

Our professional designers have been transforming critical business presentations since 1991. We’ve captured the most useful aspects of our experience and condensed it into easy-to-understand modules and logical design guidelines, to help you create more effective slides and turn presentation stress into presentation success.

Our first training module covers eSlide’s 3 SEE Principles for designing slides with Visual ValueSM.

Why should you watch this module?  Simply put: To avoid Death by PowerPoint, and bring life to your meetings and presentation opportunities. At eSlide, one of our secrets for successful slides is to make them work better, not just look better… transforming them into more effective and impactful communication tools.

Good PowerPoint is a challenge to create, but it’s vital because bad PowerPoint kills good ideas. Bad slides cause a disconnect with your audience which is exactly the opposite of what you want. You’ve probably felt that disconnect first hand, the last time you watched a business presentation. Did the presenter say “I know you can’t see this”? Were their slides all text? Did they read you exactly what the bullets said? How did you feel at the end of the meeting – exhausted or energized?

At eSlide, we receive hundreds of unclear, confusing, and difficult to read slides every day. Our clients rely on us to enhance their important information so that it also has visual value – which means their slides help support and clarify the presenter’s message.

We do this in a variety of ways. Sometimes we use simple presentation design tricks like moving a chart legend next to the data slices so categories are easy to see. Sometimes we use pictures to help bring information to life, or reorganize content so that it is revealed in logical order. Often we review each slide to identify the key idea it contains and do what we can to highlight or emphasize that concept. The result is an enhanced presentation.

An enhanced professional presentation with high visual value means you spend less time explaining and more time interacting with your audience. Their attention remains with you and your message, rather than fighting between you and your slides. They understand the information better and remember it longer because the slides work with you instead of against you – and that means better meetings with better results.

While we can’t teach you everything about building visually effective slides in a single module, we are going to introduce you to the fundamental design principles and eSlide design production rules that will help you add visual value to your slides.

Want to learn more about avoiding Death By PowerPoint? Watch video #1 above.

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