PowerPoint Formatting

Give yourself more time. You’re the brains, we’re the brawn – together we make high-stakes presentations low-stress. If you have a large meeting or conference looming on the horizon, that means lots of presenters, lots of authors and lots of slides. Bringing all of those together so they look consistent, clean and correctly branded could take you days or even weeks.

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Will you have time to get everything ready?

You will if you use eSlide’s PowerPoint Formatting service.

eSlide’s Professional PowerPoint Designers are ready to help when you need us. Our team-based development model lets us work quickly to ensure all your visuals look their best. If you have an important presentation coming up, let us handle the burden of bringing your slides together, so you can focus on all the other preparation details that ensure a successful event!

With our Presentation Formatting service, our PowerPoint design consultants:

eSlide designer

  • Develop consistent template styles that adhere to your brand*
  • Apply those templates consistently to all of your content
  • Add light-touch visual enhancements that help your presenters’ message shine. Our powerpoint formatting team does this by upgrading low-quality clip art, optimizing charts, or reorganizing content so key points stand out
  • Identify and eliminate discrepancies between different sections of slides
  • Combine sections of slides into a single file, ready for the stage
  • Provide you with status updates as desired, so you know exactly where things stand in our powerpoint formatting process

* For maximum efficiency, this can be done in advance of any slide development. You can provide an easy-to-use template to your powerpoint formatting experts BEFORE they begin development. This means your presenters aren’t waiting weeks to see new drafts of their decks so your process flows smoothly from development to dress rehearsals. And that means everyone feels better prepared, more confident, and ready for a successful meeting.

High stakes presentation events don’t have to be high stress – with eSlide’s PowerPoint Formatting service they become effortless. Contact us for more information and to get a custom quote.

Let our PowerPoint Formatting Experts diagnose exactly what you need to make your presentation more powerful!

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Quick turnaround. Responsiveness. Minimal direction required. Exceeding expectations. You guys know what’s needed and just get it done, fast.

The town hall went very well, and the deck looked great and resonated well. Thank you for the tremendous support, responsiveness, and quick turn-around times over the last few weeks. I am continually impressed by your team, your professionalism, and of course your ability to create such visually impactful slides.

I can’t thank you enough for your partnership in producing the budget plan. You were life savers, and I am very grateful. Leadership was thrilled with the final product – you crushed it!

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eslide powerpoint consulting

Whether you need one critical slide, a template redesign, a complete transformation or any combination of these, our team of PowerPoint formatting professionals can help. We start with a collaborative assessment of your project, and decide the right mix of assistance your presentation needs to succeed:

Professional Polish

This is for when you know how you want to display your information, but your results look rough and inconsistent. We use our PowerPoint presentation design skills to format your existing PowerPoint content so your slides follow brand guidelines and look like they belong together. Your presentation will go from having disjointed segments to flowing smoothly with the help of our PowerPoint formatting experts. The result is a professional-looking presentation that feels consistent and keeps your audience focused on your message.

Visual Enhancement

This is a stronger rework of your content, for cases where you know what to say but aren’t sure the best way to display. Here eSlide’s PowerPoint presentation design specialists help visually organize your content, so your audience can easily see correlations and identify the main points you need them to remember. We might turn data tables into charts, create icons for unique topics, or reorder information on slides. With this service, you’ll get an inside look into just how skilled our team of PowerPoint formatting experts are. The result is an optimized presentation that clearly conveys your important messages, so your audience can remember and act on them.

Design Consulting

This is for situations where your presentation needs help on many levels. Maybe you need to modify your brand template for a special conference or event. Perhaps you have a complex concept that needs to become an easy-to-present infographic. Or maybe you know the content of your speech, but aren’t sure which parts need to become slides and which don’t. Without a skilled team of PowerPoint formatting experts on your side, it might feel impossible to get your presentation to the level it needs to be at. By teaming your subject-matter expertise with our PowerPoint presentation design skills, we transform your key content into an effective presentation that gets noticed and gets results.

Within any presentation project, clients typically need a combination of services, and that’s no problem. Talk to us today to learn what your presentation needs to deliver great results!

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Repeat Customers

The successful outcomes that result from eSlide’s PowerPoint presentations keep clients coming back, year after rewarding year.

Need to Upgrade Your Slides?

eSlide designers can help!

Contact us so our team of PowerPoint formatting experts can diagnose exactly what your presentations need to be more successful, and provide you with a free quote.

Say Goodbye to "Death by PowerPoint"

We’d like to help you turn your next big presentation into a big win.

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