Slide projector in high-tech blue room

Expert Custom PowerPoint Design

Custom PowerPoint design is eSlide’s most comprehensive level of PowerPoint presentation design service. As the premier PowerPoint presentation design firm in the industry, eSlide has created over 16,000 presentation designs for clients ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to entrepreneurs. Regardless of size, every client receives eSlide’s exclusive white-glove treatment and commitment to excellence. With our custom PowerPoint design service and professional PowerPoint consultants, eSlide is the right choice for critical PowerPoint presentations that need a complete overhaul.

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Stress Relief for High-Stakes PowerPoint Presentations


As a manager or top executive, making high-stakes PowerPoint presentations at pivotal times in your organization’s life is a normal part of your job description. Perhaps you’ve been chosen to deliver a PowerPoint presentation to your Board of Directors about the benefits of investing millions of dollars in a new product launch. Or you’re making the keynote presentation at your annual sales meeting. Or you’re introducing new safety procedures to your manufacturing division. You’re expected to know how to do it… and do it well.

But what if developing custom PowerPoint designs is not one of your strengths?

Over the years, eSlide has met many successful executives who tell us that designing PowerPoint presentations is extremely stressful for them. Many were surprised to hear that custom PowerPoint presentation design services, where skilled PowerPoint consultants are employed, like eSlide exist.

When the Custom PowerPoint Design experts at eSlide collaborate on a project, clients immediately feel their high levels of stress melt away. They no longer have to do everything themselves, because eSlide takes care of the design and production, while our clients focus on the content and message. Clients are relieved that development of their PowerPoint presentation is in the hands of PowerPoint designers and PowerPoint consultants who have been in business for 18+ years.

If a client simply wants to learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation or receive constructive criticism on one they have created, then we are also here to help. Our presentation consultants assist clients with their PowerPoint presentation in any way they desire or the consultant sees fit.

One of the most priceless services we provide clients is our ability to reduce their presentation stress and anxiety.

PowerPoint Consultants and Presentation Designers Who Define Your Core Message

It’s not just a matter of adding better graphics.

Team working together on a presentationeSlide’s expert PowerPoint presentation designers collaborate closely with you on all the key aspects of your presentation. All of our senior designers and Powerpoint consultants have over 10 years’ experience specializing in custom PowerPoint presentation design. Even better, our PowerPoint designers have worked together as a close-knit team for over 10 years. Their history helps them collaborate seamlessly with quick, efficient and unmatched accuracy. That’s how eSlide develops exceptional PowerPoint presentation designs for our clients every time.

The result is a fine-tuned, branded presentation developed by top PowerPoint designers that will showcase your message and fill you with renewed confidence as the presenter. If your audience is 10 key board members or 1,000 employees, you’ll feel the connection you’re making with them. If your presentation is meant to empower, inspire, convince, educate, train or motivate, you’ll know you’ve accomplished your goal and surpassed your expectations. If you seek help with developing or polishing your presentation, then our PowerPoint consultants can certainly help you before and after you have completed your presentation. A presentation consultant is here for you no matter where you are in the process of creating your PowerPoint presentation.


Get Assistance From an eSlide PowerPoint Consultant or Designer Today!

We’ll diagnose exactly what your presentation needs to be more powerful.

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We are very pleased with our new template and the project of converting existing slides over to the new template definitely exceeded our expectations. In addition, projects were always completed ahead of time which was great!

We were all extremely happy with the outcome of the presentation deck, which without eSlide’s help would have been a disaster!

Quality slides, quick turnaround. You “get it”.

Read more testimonials on our PowerPoint service.
eslide powerpoint consulting

Whether you need one critical slide, a template redesign, a complete transformation or any combination of these, we can help. We start with a collaborative assessment of your project, and a presentation consultant will decide the right mix of assistance your presentation needs to succeed:

Professional Polish

This is for when you know how you want to display your information, but your results look rough and inconsistent. We use our PowerPoint presentation design skills to format your existing PowerPoint content so your slides follow brand guidelines and look like they belong together. With the help of a presentation consultant, the result is a professional looking presentation that feels consistent and keeps your audience focused on your message.

Visual Enhancement

This is a stronger rework of your content, for cases where you know what to say but aren’t sure the best way to display. Here eSlide’s PowerPoint presentation design specialists help visually organize your content, so your audience can easily see correlations and identify main points you need them to remember. We might turn data tables into charts, create icons for unique topics, or reorder information on slides. The result is an optimized presentation that clearly conveys your important messages, so your audience can remember and act on them.

Design Consulting

This is for situations where your presentation needs help on many levels. Maybe you need to modify your brand template for a special conference or event. Perhaps you have a complex concept that needs to become an easy-to-present infographic. Or maybe you know the content of your speech, but aren’t sure which parts need to become slides and which don’t. By teaming your subject-matter expertise with our PowerPoint presentation design skills and a presentation consultant, we transform your key content into an effective presentation that gets noticed and gets results.

Within any presentation project, clients typically need a combination of services, and that’s no problem. Talk to one of our PowerPoint consultants today to learn what your presentation needs to deliver great results!

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Missed Deadlines

At eSlide, we pride ourselves on the fact that while improving over 80,000 PowerPoint slides every year, we’ve never missed a single deadline for any client presentation.

Need to Upgrade Your Slides?

eSlide designers can help!

Contact us so we can diagnose exactly what your presentations need to be more successful, and provide you with a free quote.

Say Goodbye to "Death by PowerPoint"

We’d like to help you turn your next big presentation into a big win.

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