4 Easy Tips for Presentation Stress Reduction


Giving a speech or presentation in public or in the boardroom can be a very stressful situation for just about anyone. When you give a presentation in front of others, it puts the spotlight on you, and you become more self-conscious and aware of your faults. Having this type of anxiety can cause you to give a less than stellar presentation. Here are a few things you can do to help with presentation stress reduction so you can get through your presentation with flying colors.

Start with an Effective PowerPoint Presentation Slide Deck
A polished and professional PowerPoint presentation is the starting place for having a successful presentation. Not only can it create the visual representations of your content, it will also force you to think about the information you are sharing from the audience’s point of view. In your efforts to clarify information for your audience, you will be solidifying the information in your own mind. This is a known memory trick to visualize information that will help you remember it and with good slides, it will help your audience remember it as well!

Be Well Prepared
One of the best methods of presentation stress reduction is to make sure that you feel prepared to give your presentation. What this means is that you must invest an adequate amount of time preparing all of the materials you will need to make your presentation and that you understand all of the information that you need to present front to back. You should spend time practicing your presentation with the PowerPoint presentation slides in front of friends and family members to help you ease into presenting in front of others. Practice is critical to helping you have a sense of preparedness. This will also boost your confidence, which will shine through as you make your presentation.

Eat Right
When most people begin to feel nervous the day they are due to give a big presentation, their stomach often feels upset or like it is in knots. This causes individuals to skip meals like breakfast or lunch, which could have a negative effect on your ability to think clearly while giving your presentation. Make sure that you eat something nutritious and light. Avoid overeating, as this can make you sleepy and sluggish.

Create a Routine
Another great tip for presentation stress reduction is to create a routine. Having a routine often brings comfort and a little peace of mind, so it is critical to have some type of routine you perform before giving your presentation. This can be internal – like repeating a few encouraging quotes to yourself before beginning, or external – like asking a simple rhetorical question to the audience, to make sure they’re ready to pay attention.

Focus On Someone You Know
More than likely you will know at least one person in the crowd listening to you give your presentation. Every once in awhile, make eye contact with that individual and focus on them as if you are sharing information with them only. This helps reduce your nervousness, as you feel more comfortable talking with someone you know.

If you would like more information on how you can reduce your stress before giving a big presentation or if you need help building a solid PowerPoint presentation yourself, contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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