Birth of a Baby PowerPoint

An actual email last night at 10:11pm to eSlide:

“We’ll call you in a few minutes to discuss the edits here. FYI – I may or may not be heading to the hospital with my wife who is expecting our 2nd child any day now. Please send all of the updates requested going forward to me and my colleague when they are done so that if I’m not here, he’ll get them.”

At 11:51pm we received this reply after sending him his requested edits:

“Thanks. At hospital so I’ll be in touch tomorrow.”

…We have yet to hear from him this morning whether the baby was born, or if he has more edits.

That wasn’t the first time we’ve received an email from a client in the hospital and probably won’t be the last. It is yet another example of our clients’ intensity and how seriously they take their presentations.

The client works for a major company in the healthcare industry. He and his team are preparing for their upcoming analyst presentation. They do not take this opportunity lightly – it is the single most important presentation they make each year.

We have been working with their executive team for years. Our role has been to develop effective PowerPoint visuals to connect them with their audience, tell their story efficiently, and ensure the meeting contributes to their future success by virtue of excellent, impactful communication.

This is just one real-world example of how important presentations have become in modern business. They represent “make-or-break” opportunities to make an impression on your audience – which might be made up of industry analysts, lawmakers, shareholders or a firm’s worldwide staff.

No wonder the pressure of an important PowerPoint production sometimes feels like we’re helping a client give birth to a baby. I’ve always said that for me, all the late night PowerPoint production hours were great practice for my sleepless “baby feeding and diaper changing days”. If you need a hand with your little bundle of slides, check out our PowerPoint presentation design services – we can help you deliver!

Call for a consultation