Pharmaceutical Board of Directors Meeting


The original document as supplied by the client contained excellent information, but it was hard to understand and hard to present due to long blocks of text with no visual hierarchy or emphasis. The overall story flow was difficult to follow, sometimes providing too much detail and sometimes too little.


eSlide reviewed the document with the clients – both the person who would be presenting and the team that created the content – to understand what their key messages were. We worked iteratively with the client team to streamline the content, improve the consistency, and create visuals to explain important content and add impact to the key points.


The client team went from being worried about being in front of the Board to being excited about the opportunity to showcase their work. The process of explaining and refining their message points with eSlide helped them get more familiar with their content and more at ease presenting it. The finished presentation was very concise and visual. The team’s confidence and excitement was able to shine through. The Board was impressed and funding was approved.

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We were all extremely happy with the outcome of the presentation deck, which without eSlide’s help would have been a disaster!

The town hall went very well, and the deck looked great and resonated well. Thank you for the tremendous support, responsiveness, and quick turn-around times over the last few weeks. I am continually impressed by your team, your professionalism, and of course your ability to create such visually impactful slides.

This is excellent! The slides look perfect and I appreciate the quick turnaround.

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