Healthcare Sales Presentation


Our client had conducted extensive research into the improvements they delivered in terms of employee wellness and reduced healthcare costs for their clients. The data was very impressive, but the resulting presentation was not getting the desired results. Audiences were not connecting with the pages of dry data, and so were not understanding the value story. Therefore the presentation was not generating the sales they’d hoped, which was hurting the ROI of the entire initiative.


eSlide worked iteratively with the client team to diagnose why the presentation was underperforming. The data was illustrating analytic facts about costs and benefits, but when the presenters spoke they added stories about improving people’s quality of life. Together we realized we needed to add that human touch to the slides. By streamlining unnecessary chart elements or turning data into infographics, eSlide created room to add candid photography. This helped the presentation become an engaging story that could connect and resonate with target audiences.


By transforming the presentation from a “data report” to a “quality of life story” audiences were better able to see the impact and value of becoming members. This helped presenters have better conversations with their audience, and therefore get better results from pitch meetings. The dramatic increase in sales wins helped our client grow their market share, and more importantly bring improved healthcare to their client members.

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Quick turnaround. Responsiveness. Minimal direction required. Exceeding expectations. You guys know what’s needed and just get it done, fast.

eSlide was easy to work with, understood the technical and business aspects of the presentation, and developed an impactful deck that our company uses as a base for many different presentations we are asked to make.

Quality slides, quick turnaround. You “get it”.

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